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Innovative partnership in Barking and Dagenham launches Children and Families Health Services

A mother and baby smiling at the camera

NELFT and children’s charity Barnardo's are working in partnership to deliver the new Healthy Child Programme in Barking and Dagenham from March 2025.

Working with GPs, Family Hubs, schools, and voluntary services, this programme aims to give every child the best start in life.

Families are supported from pregnancy (28 weeks) to adulthood, promoting child health and development through assessments, interventions, and specialist referrals.

The service offers guidance on nutrition, immunisations, home safety, sleep, toilet training, behaviour, oral care, and minor illnesses at home, in clinics, and in schools. Children are supported to prepare for nursery and school, fostering independence. 

As part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), children's weight is monitored in Reception and Year 6, offering support if needed. Vision and hearing screenings are also provided in Reception.

Melody Williams, Integrated Care Director for Barking and Dagenham and Outer North East London Children’s Services at NELFT, said:

“We are proud to partner with Barnardo’s to deliver the new Healthy Child Programme in Barking and Dagenham. This partnership will provide vital support from pregnancy to early adulthood, ensuring children, young people and their families have access to essential health and development support services. We very much hope that this new partnership will provide more opportunities for our community to get involved in our services and help shape them to meet the needs of Barking and Dagenham.

“By working closely with our partners, we are committed to giving every child the best start in life. A huge thank you to everyone involved who have made this possible.”

Amanda Storie, Barnardo’s Assistant Director of Children’s Services, said:  

"Barnardo’s are thrilled to partner with NELFT in supporting children, young people, and families in Barking and Dagenham.  

"From the very start, we'll work closely with local residents to shape and direct this service so that we can make the biggest impact exactly where it's needed. From antenatal care, to guidance before and during school years, to then thriving into adulthood, the Healthy Child Programme will offer accessible support for every stage of family life.  
"The whole Barnardo's team is excited to be part of the community and to continue our mission of changing childhoods and changing lives." 
Sue Ford, 0- 19 Healthy Child Programme Commissioner at London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council, said: 

“Barking and Dagenham are delighted to be working with NELFT and Barnardo’s on the Integrated 0-19 Healthy Child Programme. This will provide a universal and targeted public health service for all children, young people, and their families from pregnancy to 19 in their communities, schools and at home.

“Commissioners are looking forward to continuing our collaborative journey alongside the service staff and users and colleagues across the borough. Our shared focus will be using early identification and support to improve health and wellbeing, prevent ill health and reduce inequalities for all.”

For more information on Barking and Dagenham Children and Families Health Services, please follow the website link: Barking and Dagenham Children and Families Health Services | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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