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In conversation with Rob Webster at the Future of Primary Care Webinar

Picture of Rob Webster and Dr Mohit Venkataram

Over 200 people registered for this months’ ‘Future of Primary Care’ webinar. The session featured Rob Webster, Chief Executive of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, who shared valuable insights and experiences from West Yorkshire, emphasising the importance of trust, collaboration, and systemic integration in enhancing primary care services.

Rob Webster discussed the role collaboration in transforming primary care. He highlighted the need for a clear national vision that goes beyond access and truly values primary care's contributions. Webster also highlighted the need to tackle wider determinants of health, such as poverty and racism, to provide effective care. His discussion resonated with many attendees, evidenced by numerous engaging questions during the Q&A session​.

Dr Mohit Venkataram spoke of the growing role of large organisations like NELFT to work closely with our primary care providers in developing resilience so our residents receive the best care. If we work together our ability to improve the life chances of our residents is much more pronounced.

Webster concluded with a powerful message:

"Real change happens in real work, built on trust and guided by good rules.’’

Together, we can achieve the transformation needed to make a difference in our communities.

Watch a recording of the webinar with Rob Webster here.

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