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Help raise money for a sensory garden for young people at Kent & Medway Adolescent Hospital

Photograph of staff at KMAH, NELFT logos

Staff at the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital (KMAH) are fundraising for a therapeutic sensory garden.

They’re taking on a 13-mile hike across the Seven Sisters from Seaford to Eastbourne in East Sussex, on 16 March, which can be challenging due to the steep hills.

The money raised will help fund the sensory garden at KMAH, a mental health inpatient hospital for 12 to 17-year-olds. The team is specially trained to support young people’s treatment and recovery through several activities, including spending time outdoors.

The garden will create a dedicated outdoor space for patients to engage in social and therapeutic horticulture. These skills will aid their recovery and provide a space to connect with nature.

The young people at the hospital came up with ideas for the design and have been involved in the planning.

Rebecca Warrilow, who designed the garden, is an Occupational Therapy Assistant at NELFT and will be qualifying as a Social and Therapeutic Horticultural Practitioner later this year, said:

“The garden would be incredibly beneficial, it will help make our hospital sensory-friendly, while also taking a more holistic approach to the care we offer. It will mean ensuring young people receive the best treatment possible, by providing a range of environments and therapies during their recovery.”

There will be seating areas, a water feature, outdoor musical instruments, and a trampoline, while the patients will be supported to safely use equipment. There will also be a dedicated space for therapeutic horticulture to take place, installing a polytunnel and raised beds.

There is the potential to open the space to other services, supporting more young people in their well-being and giving greater access to those who are willing to learn new life skills through therapeutic nature and horticultural interventions.

Catherine Andrews, NELFT Crisis Team Mental Health Lead, said:

“It’s such wonderful thing for us all to be doing together - great for team building, improving wellbeing and raising money for charity. I am really excited and proud of the team!”

To help raise funds for the Health Way Foundation the NHS charity helping to fund this garden for young people, please donate to the JustGiving page

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