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Find out your risk of type 2 diabetes

NHS logo, 'Type 2 Diabetes, Know your Risk, Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week

This type 2 diabetes prevention week (20-26 May), NELFT is encouraging people to find out their risk of developing the condition. 

Type 2 diabetes can be a very serious condition. It can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. People living with diabetes face a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, foot problems, vision loss and kidney problems.

The good news is that you can significantly reduce your risk by making small lifestyle changes. You can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating a healthy, balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and keeping physically active.

There are some groups at higher risk of type 2 diabetes: men, people of South Asian or Black ethnicity, people who are overweight and people with a family history of type 2 diabetes. 

Find out your risk of type 2 diabetes by using the Diabetes UK Know Your Risk Score at or by searching ‘Know Your Risk’.

It only takes a few minutes, and it could be the most important thing you do today.

If you are at moderate to high risk, the tool will advise you to contact their GP practice for a blood test. If their blood sugar levels show they’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes (called pre-diabetes or non-diabetic hyperglycaemia), then you may be eligible for referral to their local Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme – an evidence-based lifestyle change programme which helps people at risk of type 2 diabetes to reduce your risk through managing their weight, eating more healthily and being more physically active.

The Healthier You programme is delivered across England by a range of providers. Find out more at NHS England » Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme: provider contact details

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