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Essex & Kent directorate celebrate Windrush and NHS75

Collage of images of Essex & Kent colleagues celebrating NHS75

Essex & Kent celebrated the Windrush & NHS 75 year anniversary in Mayfield Units beautiful gardens, just a few miles from where the SS Windrush came into Tilbury Port 75 years ago.

Staff from the Essex and Kent areas arrived to be greeted by great Caribbean music played on the steel drums and Caribbean food served by Phathi Nyathi, Matron, and some of her colleagues. The sun shone and staff danced and sang along with the steel band whilst reminiscing of their time served with the NHS.

Cllr Abass from Thurrock Council came along and enjoyed the festivities and spoke of his time recently when he unveiled a plaque at Tilbury train station to mark the 75th year of Windrush.

Samuel Owiredu, Assistant Director, led the conversations with Clare Burns and Gill Burns, Partnership Directors for Essex and Kent. They shared their thoughts on how far the NHS has come in the past 75 years and the impact the Windrush generation has made on the NHS and British society 75 years to date and why we should continue to remove barriers faced by ethnic minorities. Staff were also given the opportunity to reflect and contribute to the discussion.

PC Luke from Essex Police joined the celebrations, connected with some staff, and left happy with a tray of Caribbean food for his colleagues back at the station. It was a very joyful celebration for all.  

Finally, Rita Thakaria, Partnership Director for Thurrock, thanked all staff and the EMN network Leads Yvonne, Phathi, Marlene and colleagues who helped make the day special.

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