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Director of Communications Carrie-Ann Wade shortlisted for the Comms Hero Fearless Trailblazer Award

Image of Comms Hero 'I'm a finalist' #CommsHero

Congratulations to Carrie-Ann Wade our Director of Communications, Engagement and Charitable Funds for being shortlisted for the Sandra Barber Fearless Trailblazer Comms Hero Award.

The award recognises inspirational leaders and mentors who are forward thinking in their approach to comms and people management.

As the lead for the NELFT Communications Team, Carrie-Ann has led the discussions around how as a Trust we can best share and signpost toward important health information across the length and breadth of our service localities.

The team follow a clear principle in the approach to communicating across the organisation, which Carrie-Ann has been instrumental in instilling – the team amplify the voices of the Trust by delivering creative and engaging information and content that positively impacts healthcare in the communities we serve.

The awards ceremony will take place on 26th September in Manchester at the in-person day event of #CommsHero Week. We look forward to hearing about the finalists in September.

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