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Coping Through Football tournament in memory of Eric Gyapong for World Mental Health Day

Photo of Coping through Football group, with NELFT logos

Last week Coping Through Football ran a tournament in memory of volunteer Eric Gyapong for World Mental Health Day.  

The project seeks to reduce the isolation and discrimination experienced by young people and adults who are experiencing mental ill health, by supporting their recovery and helping them lead more independent lives.

It is run in partnership with the London Playing Fields Foundation, the North East London Foundation Trust and the Leyton Orient Trust, and demonstrates how three organisations can share a vision, processes and resources to produce a joined-up initiative that adds value to their existing work programmes.

They were joined by four staff members from Massachusetts Financial Services (MFS) who kindly volunteered at the tournament with MFS providing the much-appreciated refreshments. 

To ensure full inclusivity there were two separate tournaments: one for the development group and the other for the more skilled players. 

There was an amazing turn out with 54 people playing in the tournament - including Eric’s brother Daniel. 

With 40 NELFT participants coming from sessions at Redbridge and Waltham Forest and 10 participants from one of invited local organisations Change Grow Live (CGL) along with carers. There was lots of fun and laughter and some great matches played in good spirt. 

Winners and runners up from each tournament were awarded gold and silver medals, respectively.


For more information about the programme go to: Coping Through Football - London Playing Fields Foundation Foundation (

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