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Better Together - IMG and Educators Conference - Tuesday 17 October

Image of healthcare professionals with the text: Better Together - IMG and Educators conference. Tuesday 17th October 2023 9AM - 4PM

NELFT Medical education department and conference advisors Dr Peter Carter and Dr Harleen Birgi invite you to the Better Together – IMG and Educators conference taking place on Tuesday 17 October 2023, 9am-4pm.

International medical graduates are important and integral part of NHS workforce. The 2022 GMC workforce report showed that of the doctors who joined the workforce in 2021, half (50%) were IMGs and 39% UK graduates. This report also emphasised the need for better inclusion and support for IMGs in order to enhance retention over the coming years.

With this conference we aim to empower IMGs and their educators with tools and knowledge to better recognize and help mitigate the challenges that IMGs endure whilst working in NHS. We will learn about the factors affecting IMG career progression, wellbeing, and ways to overcome them.

This conference is open to Doctors of all grades, medical and surgical specialities, particularly IMGs and their educators.

Booking link

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