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Barking & Dagenham Early Years Occupational Therapy Recruitment

School children are naturally inquisitive and curious about the world around them. Hence, it is never too early to encourage a little career exploration! Meeting real people who do the jobs they learn about certainly creates an exciting atmosphere in the classroom.

In primary school, pupils usually have a narrow view of career options, thus depend on their adult role models, especially their parents for guidance. Career exploration is a fundamental part of children’s development. Not only does it help them to look forward to it, but also helps to prepare them for what the future holds. Giving them an opportunity to explore career options using focused activities helps to broaden their minds, inspire them to achieve more and learn goal setting from a young age.

St Margaret’s C of E Primary School in Barking & Dagenham recently held a Public Service Heroes Day for their pupils, highlighting the roles of a variety of public servants.

NELFT's Orby Chukwudum and Susan Olagunju, both Band 5 Occupational Therapists in the Barking & Dagenahm Mental Health Community Recovery Team attended the event. They engaged the Reception and Year One classes in an afternoon of interaction and activity, exploring Occupational Therapy in simple terms. A fun activity promoting fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination was played with the children, which brought out their competitive nature! Pupils were given equal opportunity to participate in the activity which was a huge success. They were excited to receive colourful stickers at the end as a reward for taking part and getting involved. 

The event was also a fulfilling experience for staff, sowing the seeds of interest and watching them bloom. No matter their ultimate career choice in the future, the children have confidence that the world really is their oyster, and they can achieve whatever they want in life. And they may perhaps, become our budding Occupational Therapists of the future!

Orby Chukwudum and Susan Olagunju, Band 5 OTs, B&D Mental Health CRT.  Children in a class room being taught by teachers

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