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A new crisis support service in Redbridge

Image of the outside of a three story house which is split into flats.

After a year of intensive, collaborative work, we are pleased to announce NELFT is opening a new crisis support service in Redbridge. The Well (Crisis) House will provide an alternative to acute hospital admissions for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis or relapse. Delivered in partnership with Look Ahead Care and working alongside Redbridge Home Treatment Team, this represents a significant step forward in community based mental health support. 

The Well House offers 24-hour short term, intensive support to individuals in crisis, designed not only to prevent acute hospital admissions but also over a true alternative to traditional statutory services.  

Well House staff will offer a safe, therapeutic environment, where people in crisis can access support without the need for hospital admission. Users of will remain at the centre of their care, with informed choice over all aspects of their care and the inclusion of their chosen support network.  People in Well House will be supported to explore their individual situation using the approach of ‘what happened to you?’ rather than ‘what’s wrong with you?’ 

Caroline O'Haire, Assistant Director of NELFT’s Acute and Rehabilitation Directorate, said: 

"The Well House shows our commitment to providing compassionate, inclusive, and tailored care for those in crisis. With a trauma-informed, autism-informed, and equity-focused approach, we are ensuring that every individual feels seen, valued, and supported on their journey. This model recognises the diverse needs of service users and providing care that is both inclusive and sensitive.’’ 

‘’Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this exciting initiative, particularly the users of service without whose valuable contribution we would not have been able to ensure this meets the needs of those who may use the service in the future.’’ 

Nathan Rhodes, Head of Services for Complex Mental Health at Look Ahead said: 

“We are excited to be launching Well House, our Redbridge Crisis House in partnership with NELFT. Our two organisations both bring different, but complementary skills to the table, and we look forward to seeing how this service delivers better outcomes for people with mental health needs across Redbridge.” 

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