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Trans Awareness Week is a reminder that together we can create a more inclusive society for all

At NELFT we work towards being progressive, inclusive and innovative. We look to support the trans community by spreading awareness and relentlessly supporting our trans colleagues and clients. Trans Awareness Week is a time to acknowledge the diversity and resilience in the trans community, but also the challenges we face.

It’s important to note that Trans Awareness Week leads up to Trans Remembrance Day on 20 November, which honours the memory of trans individuals whose lives were lost to anti- trans violence.

Like other marginalised groups, the trans community needs allies. Good allyship is about educating oneself on the needs of trans people, including the language and identities in the community. It is about listening to trans people without judgement and not making assumptions. It is about respecting a person’s pronouns and offering your own- and not just when you are around gender diverse people. It is vital for allies to advocate for trans rights, particularly in the workplace and in healthcare, and to challenge transphobia around us. A good ally amplifies the voices of trans people, through sharing their stories and their needs. To be effective in this role, allies must be open to making mistakes, being corrected and committed to continuous learning. 

Through taking tangible steps we can help shape a world that is fairer towards trans people and protects their equal human rights. Trans Awareness Week is a reminder that together we can create a more inclusive society for all.

Jay Beaman (He /Him), Trans Lead for the LGBT+ Staff Network at NELFT.

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