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How to thrive in challenging times – Eileen Taylor, NELFT & ELFT joint Chair

Picture of Eileen Taylor

ELFT and NELFT Boards came together last month to explore how we can thrive during challenging times and emerge with better quality of care and outcomes for patients.

As Boards, our focus is on how we can improve our practices to achieve this.

It is crucial to maintain a focus on what truly matters – delivering for the communities we serve and ensuring a positive experience for our staff. Humility is key as we navigate these challenges, learning and adapting as we go.

We also recognise the need for a clear vision of the future, while confronting the harsh realities with optimism. We must reflect on our values and whether they need to evolve to remain relevant in these times. Above all, we must find ways to improve.

We have outlined a roadmap to guide our work, with regular check-ins to ensure we’re staying on course. Key focus areas include:

  1. Balancing Strategy and Operations – we must maintain focus on key priorities, even in the face of external pressures, and ensure operational issues are addressed effectively.
  2. Support and Challenge – challenge must always be constructive and delivered with care, remembering that both executives and non-executives share common goals.
  3. Curiosity vs Direction – we must stay curious and open, but also be willing to provide clear direction when necessary, ensuring transparency and avoiding autocracy.
  4. Time and People – in difficult times, investing in our people is vital, while also ensuring the processes that support them are not overlooked.

What stood out from our discussion is the importance of staying focused on our core purpose – serving our communities and supporting our staff. We must remain humble and avoid assuming that we have all the answers. Difficult decisions must be made with our communities and staff, not for them.

Now, more than ever, listening, clear communication, and leading with hope are essential.

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