Find out what's happening at NELFT from our Chief Executive
I’d like to start this week by thanking Caroline Allum, our Medical Director, for covering for me last week while I was on annual leave. I would also like to extend my thanks to the wider Executive Management Team(EMT) as I know my colleagues covered meetings for me to ensure NELFT was represented across the systems we work within. I had a great week and was able to prioritise spending time with my grandchildren and my dogs. I’d like to remind you all to ensure you make plans to take your leave as it is an important way to recharge and have a break from work.
In various meetings and conversations across the Trust, I have been hearing about the impacts the cost-of-living increase is having on many of our colleagues in health and social care. I know that the increases in fuel prices, energy bills and food shopping is causing anxiety for people and I am grateful to our staff network leads in particular for raising the issue on behalf of colleagues at NELFT. At EMT this week we discussed the impacts of the cost-of-living increase and we have started discussions about what we can put in place across NELFT to support our colleagues.
This week I am Gold Director for our incident management response to COVID-19. Please do remember that we are still required to follow the COVID-19 guidance in relation to social distancing, face coverings, PPE etc in NHS settings. This helps us to protect our vulnerable patients and to look after each other. I would ask you all to respect the restrictions that still apply accross all NHS healthcare settings.
I was pleased to see the films that our colleagues have been supporting about how the Trust approaches quality, safety and wellbeing. Wellington Makala, our Chief Nurse and Diane Searle, Deputy Chief Nurse have set the scene from a Trust wide perspective and you can watch the film below. And it is great that each of our operational directorates have also made short films to showcase the best practice happening across our localities. You can watch the films here: Quality, patient care, safety and coproduction at NELFT. Thank you to everyone who took part in the films.
This month is Military March and there is lots of activity across our social media channels. I am proud we are an Armed Forces friendly employer and we have been recognised nationally for this. Thank you Marie-Antoinette for sharing your story about your career in the RAF and how you are now a Senior Occupational Therapist here at the Trust. If you would like to find out more about Marie-Antoinette’s story click here and you can find out more about our Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award here.
Take care and stay safe.
Jacqui Van Rossum
Chief Executive (Acting)