Your initial assessment will be completed via a telephone consultation that should take around 25-30 minutes to complete. This is where we will ask you questions and give you an opportunity to explain how your symptoms started and about your pain to see how we can help you manage this.
To be able to assess you, it may be necessary to ask you to remove the area of clothing which is being assessed. Therefore, you might feel more comfortable if you wear or bring with you a vest top or shorts.
Unfortunately, you cannot, and you will need to be referred via your GP.
In MCATS and SMAS, Extended Scope Practitioners are highly skilled musculoskeletal physiotherapists who provide expert assessment of non-urgent conditions including non-specific low back pain and joint/soft tissue complaints, which may require corticosteroid injections and/or further investigation and diagnostic test or referral to consultants.
Your initial appointment will be sent to you via post, email or arranged over the telephone. Follow up appointments are normally made on the day, if this cannot be done you can book via the telephone or email on our contact us page.
If you would prefer to be seen by a male or female physiotherapist, please inform the receptionist when booking your first appointment.
All patients are normally seen within 15 minutes of their face to face, telephone or video appointment time. If you are waiting longer than this, please telephone the MSK Services number on 0300 300 1856.
If you arrive late for your appointment, the Physiotherapist may not be able to see you as we run on a timely appointment basis.
If you are being treated by another professional (a chiropractor, osteopath or private therapist etc.) for the same condition, you can also have NHS physiotherapy.
It is important that we are made aware of all treatments you are receiving, so that we can ensure you are having the best treatment for your condition.
We may also ask permission to speak with the other therapist to ensure that your treatment plans are similar and works well between both therapists and yourself.
If you are unable to attend an appointment, please telephone the MSK Services number a minimum of 24 hours before your appointment on 0300 300 1856.
We will do all we can to prevent cancelling your appointment. However, if this is unavoidable then you will be given as much notice as possible.
If you do not attend an appointment, then in line with Trust policy we reserve the right to discharge you from our service. Please get in touch if you need to cancel your appointment for any reason.
If you require support during your appointment (eg. dementia or learning disability where anxiety would be increased significantly) then you can be accompanied by one person.
During COVID-19 you can bring one person in your household or support bubble if you require support.
Depending on the nature of your condition, the first appointment will usually last up to 30 minutes, thereafter appointments are 25 to 30 minutes.