Physical health monitoring:
We may invite you into our clinic for some physical health checks, including weight, height, blood pressure, blood tests and an ECG.
Specialist nurse monitoring:
Our specialist eating disorder nurses offer monthly appointments while you are waiting to begin therapy. These sessions involve psycho-education and support you starting to make changes in preparation for therapy.
You may be offered appointments with one of our dietitians to assess your nutritional requirements and design meal plans with you.
Psychiatric Intervention:
You may be offered a review with our consultant psychiatrist who may help support you with your wider mental health and who can prescribe and review medication.
EFFT Workshop:
Your family members may be invited to a workshop where they will learn Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) skills to support you in your recovery.
Guided Self-Help:
A clinician-supported treatment where you will use a self-help book based upon CBT principles to challenge your thoughts and behaviour around eating, negative emotions, and body image. This is the first line recommended treatment in the NICE guidelines to stop or reduce binge eating.
CBT-E Group:
A 12 week cognitive behavioural therapy group programme for those with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.
Individual Therapy:
Individual therapy sessions generally involve weekly appointments with a psychologist or CBT therapist. For most people this would be Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-E), which is the latest version of the leading evidence-based treatment for eating disorders.
You will work with a clinician to address the cognitive, emotional, and relational factors that may be maintaining your eating disorder. This is a specialist integrative therapy consisting of 9 core modules, specifically developed for the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa.
Intensive Community Treatment Pathway
An eight-week intensive community programme offering an alternative to hospital admission for patients who are at risk of inpatient admission. Please see patient information leaflet for further details: Intensive Community Treatment Pathway – Patient Information Leaflet.pdf [pdf] 262KB