Cost of Living Pack - East London.pdf [pdf] 468KB
Visit www.lbbd.gov.uk/the-heathway-centre
You can download the Starter Pack here: LBBD Parent Starter Pack.docx [docx] 547KB
The Heathway Centre provides services for families with children and young people aged 0 to 17 years (up to their 18th birthday) with a disability or additional needs. We also support families to access specialist training aimed at increasing confidence and awareness in caring for a child with an additional need.
We are based in a children centre building which is currently undergoing some building adaptations to make the centre more inclusive. This will include a wet room and multi-sensory room. We have access to a secure outside play area with a range of adapted outdoor play facilities including mobility adapted bikes and scooters.
We provide information and advice on a wide range of issues affecting families through delivery of both our universal and targeted early help offer. For more information on our early help offer, please refer to the links below. We can signpost and refer you to specialist local organisations including:
Tel: 0208 227 2110
The Heathway Christmas week 22.docx [docx] 476KB
Come down and play invitation letter.docx [docx] 255KB
Come down and play flyer.pdf [pdf] 774KB
Here are some links to national and local websites which offer advice on welfare benefits:
All children in Barking and Dagenham have access to Health Visitors and School Nurses, who work in the 0-19 Universal Children’s Service. They offer support, information and advice to all families with children aged 0-19, including children with additional or complex needs. If you would like to discuss any concerns, you can contact the team.
Please call 0300 300 1813 (Duty Line) or email: DutydeskchildrenBD@nelft.nhs.uk
For more information, please see website: Barking and Dagenham 0-19 Universal Childrens Service | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust