Our School Nursing teams are made up of Administrators, Support workers, Community Staff Nurses and Specialist Community Public Health Nurses. We are split across 3 teams within the borough to help children and young people make the best possible start in life.
The School Nursing team work with children and families from aged 5 up to 19 years. The team work from health centre’s within the borough and work in partnership with their allocated schools. They work to provide a link between school, home and the community, with the main aim of improving health and wellbeing. We also have a specialist nurse (EOTAS Nurse) supporting Children and Young People who do not attend an education setting, or attend alternative education provisions.
Every year in England, school children in reception have their height and weight checked at school as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. The information collected is in the public interest to understand the body mass index of the population of children within Barking and Dagenham in comparison to the England national average measurements.
This programme is a vital piece of work, your child’s participation in this programme is invaluable as it helps to shape and improve the services provided in our area and aids the government to identify and support weight issues from an early age and in turn preventing weight related health issues later in life – including obesity, diabetes and heart conditions.
We will write to you with the outcome of your child’s measurements and offer support if indicated to make healthy lifestyle changes. Your child’s school will write to you when the date is approaching. If you have any questions about the NCMP please feel free to email us at dutydeskchildrenbd@nelft.nhs.uk.
The assessments are carried out by trained school nurses or trained clinical support workers. During this contact, the school nursing team will also offer a routine vision and hearing screening for children in the reception classes. Any issues identified will, with parent’s permission, will be monitored or referred to a specialist service.
You are also welcome to contact your school nurse via the Duty Desk for any support you may require:
Tel: 0300 300 1813
Email: dutydeskchildrenbd@nelft.nhs.uk
If you have a long term condition which requires management in school, then your school nurse will need to complete a Health Care Plan. A health care plan is a management plan of your condition and how to best support you whilst in school. Sometimes if your condition is managed under a specialist nurse within a Hospital setting, the School Nurse will liaise and work in partnership with them in order to implement your health care plan.
The Barking and Dagenham Local Offer website helps children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families find the information and support they are looking for, from across the Barking and Dagenham local area.