UCA students teamed up with Kent & Medway CYPMHS to create innovative and engaging materials for young people accessing mental health services.
Through this unique collaboration, UCA’s final-year Visual Communications students worked closely with the NELFT Kent and Medway CYPMHS team to bring real mental health stories to life through animations and visuals. With guidance on accessibility and branding, students developed short films and visual resources to make mental health support more relatable and accessible for children and young people across Kent and Medway.
This project not only allowed students to use their creative skills to make a real impact, but also helped CYPMHS create tools that will be used to better support young people's mental health journeys.
Take a look at these fantastic materials, all produced by UCA students for young people.
Opening up Booklet version.pdf [pdf] 2MB
Opening up Envelope version.pdf [pdf] 504KB
Opening up Interactive Zine.pdf [pdf] 47MB
Communicating with Autism Booklet.pdf [pdf] 3MB