There has been a huge increase in the availability and range of equipment and assistive technology designed to support people living with dementia and memory difficulties.
Telecare provide equipment to help to keep people safe at home, including personal alarms, medication reminders, falls detectors, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, bogus caller buttons and others: https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/content/telecare-services
The Disabled Living Foundation provide information about equipment to support independence in day to day activities – http://www.dlf.org.uk/
There are also websites and shops offering specialist equipment for people with dementia (for example https://www.unforgettable.org/). Before buying anything, it is worth asking a healthcare professional or someone with experience in working with people with dementia whether or not they think it is likely to be helpful. It is also worth making sure that it is not something that might be provided or subsidised for you by health or social services.
There are a huge amount of activities in Waltham Forest for adults of any age, young or old, with our without memory difficulties. If you are interested in activities for adults in Waltham Forest, these websites may be a helpful starting point:
The Alzheimer’s Society www.alzheimers.org.uk/
Activities supported by the London Borough of Waltham Forest: https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/service-categories/life-opportunities
Free swimming for over 60s: https://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/content/leisure-centres
Social Inclusion Directory of services in Waltham Forest (attach document)
Waltham Forest Dementia Information Prescription: http://www.guideposts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/LONDON-WALTHAM-FOREST-lnformation-Prescription-feb-16.pdf
Speech & language Therapy: based at Whipps Cross Hospital –tel: 0208539 5522 ext. 5308
Waltham Forest IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) – Thorne Close http://wftalkingtherapies.co.uk/
Community Physiotherapy: Based at Wanstead Hospital tel: 0208 989 2368
Falls Team : Based at Thorpe Coombe tel:0300 300 1558
Apps which may be of interest to people with memory problems or dementia and their families.
Talking Point https://itunes.apple.com/app/alzheimers-societys-talking/id651419467?mt=8
The Talking Point app from the Alzheimer’s Society is a free app that provides instant access to their discussion forum so someone living with dementia or their carer can seek advice about anything, share information, learn from others experiences and join in the discussion.
A walk Through Dementia http://awalkthroughdementia.org/
A Walk Through Dementia is a unique Android-exclusive Google Cardboard app designed to put you in the shoes of someone living with dementia.
Dementia citizens http://dementiacitizens.org/
Dementia Citizens is a new project to help people with dementia and those who care for them, using apps on smartphones and tablets.
Memory Apps for Dementia http://memoryappsfordementia.org.uk/sample-page/
Memory Apps for Dementia is a partnership set up to identify how touchscreen technology can benefit individuals with memory difficulties. The website provides links to apps for tablets that focus mainly on creativity.