Useful contacts Fathers Reaching Out NHS 111 Option 2 for Mental Health or Mental Health Direct Every Mind Matters Mind Mental Health Foundation Postnatal depression in dads: 10 things you should know Fathers’ Network and Advice For Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Respect Phone Line: 0808 802 4040 The Respect Phone line is a key source of support for people concerned about their behaviour and wanting to manage and change it or email WF Domestic Abuse drop-in service: Leyton Children and Family Centre, 215 Queens Road, E17 8PJ Mon to Fri 10am- 4pm (you do not need to have child to access this service) LGBT Domestic Abuse Support site BAME Dads OCD Action Parenting Support Courses in Waltham Forest Parents talking to Kids about Corona Virus Coping with Bereavement and Grief During Corona Virus.