St. George’s health and Wellbeing Hub in Hornchurch provides a range of health and care services under one roof.
As well as a GP practice, the hub provides outpatient and mental health services and convenient access to a range of professionals as well as faster access to blood tests, MRI, X-Ray, CT and ultrasound scans.
More services will be available in the future, including a new Community Diagnostic Centre, avoiding the need for extra visits to local hospitals, and a community café.
Tel: 0300 300 1506 (Ground Floor Reception)
Email: reception.StGH@nelft.nhs.uk
Reception opening times: Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (Phone lines close at 7.30pm)
St. George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub
113 Suttons Lane
RM12 6RR
The following NELFT services are based in St. George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub:
St. George’s County Park Surgery, formerly known as the Upminster Bridge Surgery, is based on site.
Surgery facilities and information:
Telephone: 01708 440 642
Email: NELondonicb.DrOmoore@nhs.net
Website: St George’s Country Park Surgery