Specialist equipment
Specialist equipment may be a fundamental part of your child’s treatment and postural management programme and is used in conjunction with their Physiotherapy Programme.
We will ensure the equipment supplied is suitable for your child/young person and the purpose for which it has been provided. Equipment will be monitored and reviewed with your child’s changing needs.
If you have any concerns regarding the equipment that has been provided you must contact the Children’s Physiotherapy Team for advice.
Examples of equipment you may be issued with include:
A standing frame
A standing frame may be part of your child’s postural management and Physiotherapy Programme. Your child will be assessed for the frame which best meets their needs.
Some of the benefits and reasons for using a standing frame are:
- Increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures as they promote weight bearing.
- Stretch the muscles in order to maintain muscle length and prevent the onset of contractures
- Enhance circulation and blood pressure
- Aid digestion, blower function and bladder drainage
- Facilitate the formation of the hip joint in early development
- Enable children to interact eye to eye with their peers
- Improve skin integrity by relieving pressure encountered by sitting
- Improve wellbeing, alertness and sleep patterns.
Walking frame and other mobility aids
Your Physiotherapist may advise that your child uses a specialist walker or mobility aid to assist with their mobility.
There are many different walkers available so your Physiotherapist may need to carry out a walker assessment to determine which is most suitable for your child.
Some benefits of using a specialist walking frame are:
- Can give your child the support to be able to mobilise independently
- May help to improve your child’s walking pattern
- Promote weight-bearing important for increasing bone density
- Enhance circulation and blood pressure
- Improve your child’s cardiovascular capabilities and stamina
- Aid digestion, bowel function and bladder drainage
- Allow your child to interact with their environment
- Enable your child to play with their friends and improve self-esteem and independence
- Improve well being, alertness and sleep patterns