Lead person for queries: Team Lead – Falls Service
Tel: 0300 300 1558
Email: nem-tr.wffallsteam@nhs.net
Service Availability: Monday to Fridays 8.00 am to 17:00pm (Excluding Bank Holidays)
GP or other professional – please refer electronically if possible
Referral criteria: Residents in Waltham Forest over 65.
Referral form: [communications to insert link]
Patient/service users who are not LBWF residents or not registered with a Waltham Forest GP
Patient/service users whose condition absolutely requires acute in-patient care
Patient/service users who have long term conditions and who have met their rehab potential
Patient/service users home environment is not suitable for WFFPS interventions to be carried out safely and alternative suitable environments, such as a community clinic setting have been declined
Patient/service user who decline WFFPS intervention
Patient/service users with Mental Health conditions who could not be suitably managed within WFFPS e.g. behavioural problems that require constant supervision or cognitive impairment significant enough to prevent successful participation in the WFFPS intervention