Service lead: Cynthia Wood - Child therapy lead
0208 430 7982
Referrals are accepted from parents/guardians and professionals in health, education or social care. A specialist children's service referral form must be completed, and signed consent from parent/guardian to share information must be provided.
Criteria: Children presenting with any of the following:
- neurological/neuromuscular conditions
- abnormal muscle tone
- motor disorders or delay
- foot issues affecting foot posture/walking
- loss of, or deteriorating, range of movement
- oncology or palliative care needs
- non-acute congenital or orthopaedic presentations, for example, torticollis, talipes, brachial plexus palsy, arthritic conditions
- children who require rehabilitation in the community (where needs cannot be met by acute services) for example, complex orthopaedic surgery