Service Lead – Head of Unplanned Care and Rehabilitation: Zaynah Dinah
Tel: 0300 555 1200, ext 54072
Modern Matron – WF Rehabilitation Service (Ainslie): Janet Skilleter
Tel: 0300 300 1779
All referrals are by telephone and are taken between 9am-8pm seven days per week. This is a 365 day a year service and referrals are via the Waltham Forest Rehabilitation Service (WFRS) Single point of access number which is 0300 300 1710 using the WFRS referral form.
The types of patients suitable for this service are:
- Patients/service users and clients experiencing a crisis in returning from or, sustaining a pre-crisis level of independence. These services are offered in the most appropriate environment either in the person's own home
- Where a time-limited (2-4 weeks) rehabilitation service is required for people whose condition does not warrant acute hospital care and avoid hospital admission.
- Interventions such as: assessment of needs, rehabilitation programs, equipment and advice
- Rehabilitation dependent on patient/service user need.
WFRS shall not accept referrals from:
- Patients who are not residents of the London Borough of Waltham Forest
- Patients whose medical condition is deemed as requiring acute in-patient care by the Medical Practitioner or GP responsible for the patient's care.
- Patients who have long-term conditions and who are not in crisis.
- Patients whose home environment is not suitable for WFRS interventions to be carried out safely and alternative suitable environments, such as a community bed have been declined.
- Patients who decline WFRS intervention.
- Patients with Mental Health conditions who could not be suitably managed within WFRS, including but not exclusively, behavioural problems that require constant supervision or cognitive impairment significant enough to prevent successful participation in the WFRS intervention.