Redbridge psychological services provide psychological assessment and therapy for adults aged 18 and over. People experiencing mild to moderate depression and anxiety are seen in our improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) services. People may be referred via their GP or can self-refer. Referrals
For people requiring multi-disciplinary assessment and input psychological therapies are accessed via secondary care mental health services. People with a first experience of psychosis under the age of 34 years can access psychological help through the early intervention team. People with a longer duration of psychosis can access psychological services through referral to the access and assessment team. People under the care of community mental health teams, substance misuse teams or acute mental health services can be referred directly to psychological therapies.
We offer specialist psychological treatments for people with a diagnosis of psychosis - cognitive behavioural approaches and family support. We have a specialist service for people with a diagnosis of personality disorder (IMPART). We offer cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for bi-polar disorder, complex trauma, complex anxiety and treatment resistant depression, including group treatments. We offer psychodynamic therapy (both individual and group). We provide psychological assessments, including specialist assessment for autistic spectrum disorder and neuropsychological disorders. Treatment models and length of treatment is led by the relevant NICE guidance for service users in secondary care.
Goodmayes Hospital site
Barley Lane
Tel: 0300 300 1554—option 1
Fax: 0844 493 0233
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Referrals will be accepted via the Redbridge access and assessment team or through the services listed. Please refer to the For clinicians page for more information.