The CAMHS early intervention in schools (CEIS) team works in 15 Redbridge schools, and was established through a partnership between the local authority and NELFT. Although the CEIS works with two high schools, it is mainly focused on primary school and the pupil referral units ( PRUs). The team offers direct intervention with young people, their families and provides consultation for teachers in participating schools.
CEIS is directly funded by schools in Redbridge who have been willing to do so because they value the accessibility of the service and its links to the tier three service. Schools also value CEIS staff participation in CAF/TACs and their practical links with the London Borough of Redbridge's early intervention service. The aim of CEIS is to provide early interventions for young people with emotional or mental health problems at an early stage in the life of their problems.
Redbridge CAMHS
Loxford Hall
Loxford Lane
Tel: 0300 555 1154 or 0300 555 1182
Fax: 0844 493 0275
Opening times: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
Referrals will be accepted from GPs, school nurses, social services, teachers and specialist children's centres.