The adult speech and language therapy (SALT) service supports clients with acquired communication and swallowing difficulties. This may include those with stroke, brain injury, acquired progressive disorders, head and neck cancers, dementia, voice disorders. It offers assessment, specific advice and targetted therapy tailored to the client's needs. If appropriate therapy may be offered in a one-to-one session, on a group basis or by training carers to support clients.
The team works closely with carers and other staff groups, such as doctors, occupational therapists, nurses and dietitians, offering assessment and advice.
Adult speech and language therapy service
Hainault Health Centre
Manford Way
Chigwell IG7 4DF
Tel: 0300 300 1903
Email: sltadults@nelft.nhs.uk
Opening times: Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 4.30 pm.
Email referral forms to nem-tr.nelftred.saltanddieteticreferrals@nhs.net. Clients with swallowing problems require medical, senior health professional or nursing referral. Voice clients must see an ear, nose and throat consultant prior to an appointment with the speech and language therapist. Clients with other communication difficulties can be referred by GP, consultant, member of their medical team, or by self-referral. Please refer to the For clinicians page for more information.