The diabetes service provides support for healthcare professionals and people over the age of 17 living with type one and type two diabetes.
The service provides:
The team also co-ordinates specialist support services such as nutrition, foot care and signposts to retinal screening for house bound patients and patients with learning difficulties.
Redbridge Diabetes Centre
Buntingbridge Road
Newbury Park
Tel: 0300 300 1826
Email: RedbridgeLTC@nelft.nhs.uk
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays)
All forms must be sent via email (fax forms are no longer accepted).
For online support, please visit Diabetes UK's learning hub, ' Type 2 Diabetes and Me ', for help and information.
Type 2 Diabetes Group Education (DESMOND-Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed ):
Type 2 Diabetes Education (DESMOND) is available in a face-to-face group session. If you are interested please ask your GP to refer us.
Please contact our service on 0300-300-1826 or email redbridgeLTC@nelft.nhs.uk for more information.
Type 2 Diabetes: What to do when you are ill
Hypoglycaemia (Low blood Glucose level)
Type 1 Diabetes Group Education (DAFNE-Dose adjustment for Normal Eating )
Type 1 Diabetes Group Education (DAFNE ) is available as face-to-face and virtual sessions. If you are interested please ask your GP to refer us.
Please contact our service on 0300-300-1826 or email redbridgeLTC@nelft.nhs.uk for more information.
Type 1 Diabetes – Sick Day management
Home Exercise Plans
Insulin Injection Technique