Lead person for queries: Karen Shepherd / Helena St Roas - Integrated community services manager
Tel: 0300 300 1605
Email: karen.shepherd@nelft.nhs.uk, helena.stroas@nelft.nhs.uk
Referrals will be accepted from GPs and health and social care professionals by email to nelft.haveringreferrals@nelft.nhs.uk. Self-referrals will also be accepted from patients and clients.
Referrals will only be accepted if the patient is housebound. For example, if they are only able to leave home by ambulance. Or there is a nursing need that makes a home visit more appropriate, such as palliative care.
Criteria: People aged 16 and over. People registered with a GP in Havering. People who have a specific nursing need that requires the expertise of a nurse.