Head of Service for Children and Young People Integrated Care: Elaine Davies
Tel: 0300 3001888
Email: Elaine.davies@nelft.nhs.uk
Referrals will be accepted from health partners, education, social services and the voluntary sector via a single referral system. All referrals are triaged through a central referral management system to ensure that the child/young person is referred to the health services needed to meet his/her needs. Referrals are to be sent digitally to referralsacorncentre@nelft.nhs.uk
or posted to:
The Acorn Centre
306 London Road
Enquiries can be sent to enquiriesacorncentre@nelft.nhs.uk
For safeguarding referals, please call 01708 576777 and ask to be put through to the community paediatric team secretaries.