Occupational Therapists focus on the day to day activities that children want or need to do. This often includes developing independence skills such as dressing, participation in meal times, self-care, play etc.
We look after the child’s ability to do these activities but we also look at whether there are any other factors such as developmental stage, attention or regulation which could be impacting on their ability to engage. We also consider the environment in which a child is carrying out their activities of daily living (ADLs) to see if this is impacting participation.
We work with children and young people as well as their parents/carers on age-appropriate functional daily activities. This includes:
Short Term goal: For Billy to put on his lower body garments independently.
Long Term goal: For Billy to dress his upper and lower body garments independently.
Strategies: Verbal prompts, physical assistance, ‘Backwards Chaining’ and parental teaching.
Our therapy team works with children between the ages of 0-19.
After a referral has been made and accepted by the team, your child will be invited for an assessment, virtually or face to face, in a clinic or school setting. During this time, the therapist will observe and gather information from you and your child using standardised or non-standardised assessments to identify current skills and concerns.
The therapist will discuss and decide the most appropriate approach for your child’s needs. This may include any of the following:
• Advice and activity program
• 1:1 therapy block with OT/ OT assistant
• Group therapy block
• Parent and/or teacher coaching
• Adaptations in nursery/school and if necessary, equipment provisions
• Joint working with other professionals
• Signposting to other services
If no further input is needed, then your child will be discharged from our service and the relevant professional(s) will be informed.
Our Occupational Therapy service may provide equipment on an assessed and needs led basis to children at school, nursery and certain aspects at home. The equipment provided is to enable occupations and participation in daily life. It’s main purpose is to increase or maintain functional independence, facilitate safe moving and handling, minimise risks, and postural management.
Some of the areas we may assess for equipment provisions include:
• Seating
• Transfers (hoists and slings)
• Toileting
• Access in nursery/school
• Advice on adaptive tools for self-care and school productivity
• Specialist Beds
Adaptations will vary depending on the need of the child.
If specialist equipment is assessed for and deemed appropriate for the child’s needs, we will work closely with equipment advisors to ensure the equipment supplied is suitable for your child and fits the purpose for which it has been provided. Equipment will be monitored and reviewed with your child’s/young person’s changing needs.
If you have any concerns regarding the equipment that has been provided you must contact the Children’s Occupational Therapy Team for advice.
If your child is seen by a Health Visitor please discuss your concerns with them first and if their needs cannot be met through their intervention they can make a referral.
If your child is in School, Pre-school or Nursery, please discuss your concerns with the SENCO who may then make a referral if their needs cannot be met through the Pre-school/nursery/school provision.
Referrals can also be made by other health professionals including your GP.
Referral Criteria:
The child must have 3 or more areas of concern. These must be functional and impact on their ability to participate in activities of daily living.
For any referring professional, please use the form below to fill in your referral and you can send it to: referralsacorncentre@nelft.nhs.uk