Child Health Information Service (CHIS)
CHIS mission and purpose
We are an administrating service and cover children aged 0-19. We are responsible for registering new births, collect, collate and analyse data. Failsafe for Hepatitis B immunisation and new-born screening. Adding new registration and updates from National Event Management System (NEMS), including movers-in and deaths.
Aims and benefits of the service
To hold a full data set of new-born screening, immunisations and alerts for looked after children across the North East and North Central London region. The database is shared with the other three hub regions across London.
Child health information records immunisation, newborn screening, birth details and demographic information for children living and registered with GPs in North central and North East London.
Our key performance indicators are:
- New born blood spots for new born and movers in up to a year old .
- Immunisation uptake for pre-school children
- Hepatitis B Immunisation for babies born to Hepatitis B positive mums
- NHSE: various monthly performance including Hepatitis B failsafe report
- Ad-hoc reports as requested by our commissioners
The service works closely with health professionals and GP practices to:
- obtain a full and detailed record of each child’s immunisations and new born screening results. Including new born hearing
- notify GPs when immunisations are due/overdue together with sending text’s to parents/guardians
- notify other child health services of babies born in North Central and North East maternity units who live outside of the area
- transfer electronic records for children who are move in/ out of the area. Records are held until children are 19 years old, or 25 years old for those with special needs.
Patient information
Contact our service:
CEME Centre
Marsh Way
RM13 8GQ
Service lead - Lee Griffin
Tel 0300 300 1787
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm