What should I expect now that my child has been referred to the Speech & Language Therapy Service?
My child has not started school yet:
You will receive a form requesting further information from us. Future action will be decided once we receive this information. This can include:
- advice and monitoring
- initial assessment session
- group or individual therapy
Waiting times for assessment/therapy is usually 12-16 weeks
For more information, please visit the Preschool children page
My child attends a primary school in Havering:
- Your child’s needs will be discussed at a joint school and speech and language therapy meeting held at school. This allows us to gain a clearer picture of your child’s current needs.
- If appropriate, your child will be assessed at school and a report and programme will be provided to you and the school.
For more information, please visit the school age children page
My child attends a secondary school or is home-educated in Havering:
- You will receive an appointment letter by us for a clinic based assessment session.
- We carry out most of these sessions during the school summer holidays.
My child was referred due to feeding difficulties:
- You will receive an appointment letter for a clinic based feeding assessment session or a lunchtime observation at school. You will be expected to bring food and drink to the session that your child usually eats. You will also be asked to bring any utensils they use to eat and drink with.
- During the session your child’s eating and drinking skills will be assessed and recommendations will be made.
- Future action will be decided at the end of the assessment session. This can include:
- advice and monitoring
- individual therapy
- referral to other relevant services, e.g. Dietician, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist
For more information, please visit the Specialist clinics page