Doctor: Dr Jude Ezeonwuka
Ward contact number: 0300 555 1201 ext. 7760/64/65
Ward manager: Kudakwashe Sakatira
Email: Kudakwashe.Sakatira@nelft.nhs.uk
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected)
Referrals are managed by the relevant home treatment team. There are no direct referrals for this ward.
Referral criteria: Registered with a GP in Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge or Waltham Forest Must be detained under the mental health act and will be referred mainly from the male acute wards within NELFT. We also accept admissions from the community following a full assessment and service users that are in the prison system.
Exclusions: None
Test results required at referral: None