Lead person for queries: Michelle Hayes - Service Manager
Deputy manager: Deborah Epstein (Barking and Dagenham and Havering)
Deputy manager: Oluwasola Falola (Redbridge and Waltham Forest)
Consultant perinatal psychiatrist: Dr Neha Rawat (Redbridge and Barking)
Consultant perinatal psychiatrist: Dr Montserrat Fusté (Dagenham and Havering)
Consultant perinatal psychiatrist: Dr Anupama Yadava (Waltham Forest)
Tel: 0300 555 1119
Email: perinatal.service@nelft.nhs.uk
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected)
If you need advice, guidance, or have a query regarding a patient or referral, you can speak to a duty clinician weekday afternoons between 12:30 and 16:15 by calling 0300 555 1119 where an administrator will take some basic details, and then connect you to a duty clinician.
Please note: We will only accept typed referrals. All handwritten referrals will be rejected as handwriting can be misread, leading to incorrect clinical decisions.
Referrals will be accepted from any professional - most of our referrals come from social workers, GPs, health visitors, midwives, other mental health services, obstetricians, other perinatal services. Self-referrals will also be accepted. The service accepts antenatal referrals directly.
Criteria: The Perinatal Parent Infant Mental Health Service offers treatment and specialist advice for clients who experience current or have had previous moderate to severe mental health difficulties under the following criteria:
Exclusions: Substance misuse problems in the absence of mental health problems.
Test results required at referral: None.