The Specialist School Nursing team provides a Specialist and Holistic Service to Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and are attending Special Schools within Barking & Dagenham.
Our Team is made up of Registered Children’s Nurses and Specialist Nursery Nurses. We work to promote the ‘Healthy Child Programme’ to ensure that every child has the best chance in life and access to all the services and interventions required to help them reach their full potential.
The Specialist School Nursing Team work across sites within the borough. We work to provide holistic and child centred care to the children on our caseload and their families. Our team also work to support children and young people’s medical needs whilst they are in school by ensuring they have up to date individual care plans and staff training. In some cases, these may be completed Specialist Nurses from Tertiary care.
We work closely with other services within NELFT’s Targeted Services, such as: Child Development Centre, CAMHS, Looked After Children’s Service, Immunisations, Community Paediatrics, and Integrated Therapies (SALT / Physiotherapy / Occupational Therapy).
If you wish to contact us regarding your child, then please contact us on our number below to speak to one of the Nurses.
Trinity School
Heathway, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 7SJ
Riverside Bridge
Renwick Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 0FU
40 Thames Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 0HZ
Email: SpecialistSchoolNursingB&D@nelft.nhs.uk
Number: 02084307340
Opening times: Monday – Friday 08:30am – 16:30pm (excluding bank holidays).
Address: Child and Family Centre, 79 Axe Street, Barking, Essex, IG11 7LZ.