Operational lead: Anthonia Owolabi
Older adults’ mental health team & memory service.
Head of service: Daniel Stockwell
Tel: 0300 555 1200 ext.57789
Email: BDOAMHT@nelft.nhs.uk
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected)
Referrals form is emailed to BDOAMHT@nelft.nhs.uk
Criteria: All new referrals need to be made via the GP to exclude/treat physical causes for presenting problems.
Internal referrals from NELFT services ( OAHTT, ARD, Psychiatric liaison ) can be emailed to BDOAMHT@nelft.nhs.ukwith reasons for referral and other relevant information.
For enquiry about medication, GPs to use the Advice and guidance route https://nww.ebs.ncrs.nhs.uk for prompt response from the team psychiatrist.
Exclusions: None
Test results required at referral: If suspected dementia, please complete dementia blood screening and midstream urine (MSU).
Discharges: Patients are usually discharged to the care of their GPs with a care plan. This is discussed with patients and their family at the point of referral.