The Community Health and Social Care Service (CHSCS) provides services via three different teams. For further information, please visit the pages for:
Head of service
Suzanne Neilson, Head of CHSCS
Tel: 0300 300 1815
Email: Suzanne.neilson@nelft.nhs.uk
Referrals are made via GPs and health and social care professionals. Self referrals can be made by patients and clients for certain services. Please send the referrals by email bdreferrals@nelft.nhs.uk.
Referral criteria:
District Nursing - Community Matron
Intermediate Care Therapy
People aged 16 and over who are registered with a GP in Barking and Dagenham; people who have a specific nursing need. Referrals will only be accepted if the patient is housebound; for example, if they are only able to leave home by ambulance. Or there is a nursing need that makes a home visit more appropriate, such as palliative care.
Tissue Viability Service