NELFT Quality Improvement Services are currently supporting four teams from NELFT in taking part in a quality improvement collaborative set up by the Royal College of Psychiatrists on Demand, Capacity and Flow within mental health services. On this page you will be able to follow our contribution to and journey within the collaborative, hopefully being able to learn from the work undertaken and even apply it to your service where appropriate.
The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists have launched a new 18-month Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative focusing on Demand, Capacity and Flow in Mental Health Services across the UK.
The collaborative is overseen by national improvement lead, Dr Amar Shah, director of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, Tom Ayers, and supported by an experienced team of QI coaches.
The collaborative aims to:
"to support community and inpatient teams within mental health services to understand demand, develop and test change ideas to improve flow, reduce waiting lists and manage demand in creative ways.
provide opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing and learning through regular in-person events."
To find out more about the collaborative click here: Demand, Capacity and Flow QI Collaborative | Royal College of Psychiatrists (
Four teams from NELFT will be taking part in this 18-month mental health services collaborative programme, each with the support of a member of the Quality Improvement Services to provide additional bespoke support alongside the Quality Improvement Coaches provided by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
The teams from NELFT are:
Demand, capacity and flow are issues that many teams across NELFT and the wider NHS are currently facing. As such, we want to ensure that as many teams as possible are able to learn from this collaborative.
23rd January 2023: Royal College of Psychiatrists, London
As the day was focused on the launch of the quality improvement project learnings were based around what it takes to establish a project team:
Barking and Dagenham Adult Autism
Havering Children and Adolescents Mental Health
Havering Mental Health and Wellness
Waltham Forest Single Point of Access
Assessment/Decision making: