
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams work with local services to produce school guidance for neurological disorders

dark blue background, NELFT logos, photo of team

Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams (known locally as Emotional Wellbeing Teams Kent and Emotional Support Teams Medway) work in schools and closely with wider education services to support with the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children in school.

Read Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams work with local services to produce school guidance for neurological disorders…

Involving people in designing our services is helping improve experience

Photo of Luis and Matthew

The story of Luis serves as an inspiring testament to his pivotal role as a Lived-Experience Ambassador for the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSECC) Wheelchair Services. MSECC is a partnership between the community services of Essex Partnership University Trust (EPUT), North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) and Provide Health (Provide).

Read Involving people in designing our services is helping improve experience…

Time to quit smoking

Green background, 'Better Health Smoke Free', 'You know you want to quit. We know you can', 'get free support to quick smoking', NHS logo, older gentleman smiling

It’s a challenge to stop smoking, especially if you have been smoking for a while. March 13, No Smoking Day, is a time to come together and offer encouragement and support to those on their quitting journey.

Read Time to quit smoking…
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