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Eating Disorders Week 2024 – ARFID

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The theme for this year’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week (26 Feb to 3 March) is ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). 

ARFID is not just about being picky, it’s a real and challenging eating disorder that needs understanding and support. There are many reasons why someone with ARFID may avoid or restrict their food and eating. These include:

  • Sensitivity to taste, texture, smell, temperature or appearance of certain foods.
  • Fear of choking, vomiting or abdominal pain.
  • General worries or anxieties around food that are difficult to name.
  • Being unable to identify hunger cues or low appetite.
  • A low interest in food where eating feels like a chore.

ARFID might look very different in one person compared to another, and not everyone has the same experience.

NHS-backed tools to help understand and develop ways to cope with ARFID are available on the Be Body Positive website: Be Body Positive - Support for Young People, Parents, Carers & Professionals

If you are struggling with ARFID don’t hesitate to ask your GP for support. They will be able to refer you to specialist services that can provide expert advice, strategies, and therapies tailored to managing ARFID.

Find out more about NELFT specialist services for young people and adults with an eating disorder:  

London Eating Disorder Service (EDS) | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

Kent and Medway Eating disorders service-Kent and Medway- NELFT NHS Foundation Trust | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

Essex SET CAMHS - Eating Disorder Service | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

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