
Chief Executive's Weekly Blog - 14 December 2022

It has definitely felt like winter this week with the cold weather, I do hope you have been managing to keep warm. Our message has of course been to stay safe and to work from home where you are able. However, I do want to thank all of our colleagues who don’t have the ability to work from home because they are on wards or out in the community supporting our patients. I am so grateful for your efforts to ensure we are delivering the best possible care. Please do look out for each other and of course any of our patients who may be struggling in these cold temperatures.

Read Chief Executive's Weekly Blog - 14 December 2022…

Chief Executive's Weekly Blog - 30 November 2022

This week I want to thank colleagues across the Trust for all you are doing to support our patients and the delivery of safe services as I know we are feeling the pressures of winter, particularly as we work to support our acute trust colleagues and their busy emergency departments. I would like to assure you that we are working hard with our partners to look at how we can improve processes to reduce these pressures where possible.

Read Chief Executive's Weekly Blog - 30 November 2022…

Chief Executive's Weekly Blog

The weeks seem to be flying by at the moment and I can hardly believe we are in the last week of October already. That means that our Black History Month celebrations are drawing to a close and as well as encouraging colleagues to attend sessions if you haven’t already, I would also like to thank everyone who has been involved in the organisation and promotion of the events. It has been good to see so much activity and to see people coming together across NELFT to celebrate as well as educate.

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