All local authorities maint ain a local offer for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 years.
It provides a wide range of information about all the support and facilities which families can expect to find in their area including education, health, social care and voluntary support and services.
For example, information and advice on:
- Types of education available, including early years, mainstream and special schools, approved independent schools, pupil referral units, post-16 settings and alternative education.
- How children with special educational needs (SEN) are identified and assessed.
- Education, Health and Care plans.
- Education and training options for school leavers including further education, apprenticeships, supported employment, and information about support to help young people prepare for adulthood and higher education.
- School and college transport arrangements.
- Support to help children and young people move between phases of education (for example, from primary to secondary, secondary to college, preparing for independent living).
- How children and young people with medical conditions are supported in education, and through specialist services like occupational therapy and mental health.
- Other healthcare services, like the wheelchair service, continence service and nursing care.
- Information, on parent carer forums and support groups in the area.
- Social care support, including short breaks, leisure activities, and childcare. Should include information about how families can ask for social care assessments.
- Information about making complaints about services, resolving disagreements, mediation, and appealing to tribunal.
North East London Local Offer websites and contact details are provided below: