The Future of Primary Care webinar - Building trust to increase primary care resource | Events

The Future of Primary Care webinar - Building trust to increase primary care resource | Events

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The Future of Primary Care webinar - Building trust to increase primary care resource

You are invited to this month’s Future of Primary Care webinar, hosted by our Deputy CEO Dr Mohit Venkataram. This month our guest is Debbie Sorkin, the National Director of Systems at the Leadership Centre. 

Date: Wednesday 16 October 2024
Time: 7PM — 8PM
Location: Zoom

Debbie has led the Leadership Centre’s work in relation to systems leadership for the past ten years. Her previous work has included managing a national systems leadership programme that brought together primary and secondary care in the NHS, local government, public health, social care and other sectors.  

Debbie currently leads the Centre’s system leadership support in relation to public services. This includes extensive work with the NHS in England, especially in relation to Integrated Care Systems and Primary Care Network. In addition, recent work with primary care has included supporting Primary Care Networks and Collaborative Boards, at locality and ICB level, and supporting GPs, Clinical Leads and Operational Managers as part of multi-disciplinary teams looking at new ways of working.  

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a leading expert and gain valuable insights.  

Send your questions ahead of the session to

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