Join Us at NELFT's Annual Members Meeting 2024 | Events

Join Us at NELFT's Annual Members Meeting 2024 | Events

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Join Us at NELFT's Annual Members Meeting 2024

This public meeting is your chance to hear key updates from the Trust leadership, gain insights into our recent achievements, and explore our vision for the future. The AMM will cover a comprehensive look-back at our progress and a forward-look at the priorities and challenges driving the Trust in the year ahead.  

Date: Thursday 07 November 2024 

Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM 

Location: Online via Zoom. A link will be sent after registration.

To register, please complete the form on the link below:

Registration form

  Why attend?

  • Hear from NELFT leadership: Get updates on our 2023/24 activities, successes, and challenges, and learn about our plans and priorities for the coming year.
  • Find out about our quality priorities: Hear about our work to improve quality across our services and the health of our local populations.
  • Have your say:  We value your input. Members will have the opportunity to ask questions or submit questions ahead of time to be addressed during the meeting.

This is an important opportunity to engage with leaders of our organisation and be part of shaping NELFT’s future. All staff, stakeholders and users of our services are encouraged to attend – your participation is integral to the success of our Trust. 

For more information or to submit your questions ahead of the AMM, please email:

We look forward to seeing you, so we can shape the future of NELFT together.

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