Future of Primary Care webinar with Deputy CEO, Dr Mohit Venkataram and Dr Tal Mahmud | Events

Future of Primary Care webinar with Deputy CEO, Dr Mohit Venkataram and Dr Tal Mahmud | Events

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Future of Primary Care webinar with Deputy CEO, Dr Mohit Venkataram and Dr Tal Mahmud

Image of Deputy CEO, Dr Mohit Venkataram and Dr Tal Mahmud

Join Dr Mohit Venkataram in conversation with Dr Tal Mahmud on  Wednesday 12 February at 7pm on Zoom, where they will be discussing:

How can innovation in primary care improve productivity?

Tal is a GP at the  NHS GP Practice Hiyos  in London. He has 25 years of industry expertise in primary care & the NHS. He is also the Clinical Director for Great West Road Primary Care Network. He has served on boards at the commissioner (Professional Executive Committee) and provider (GP Federation) level and has a detailed understanding of operational priorities and optimising the needs of patients and service delivery. He has also worked on integrated care projects for NHS North West London. 

Webinar details:

Wednesday 12 February 2025, 7pm - 8pm — Via Zoom

Register today

Please email any questions ahead of the webinar to:  communications@nelft.nhs.uk    

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