Barking & Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge Children’s Autism Service

The BHR (Barking & Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge) Children’s and Young Persons Autism service sits within the wider neurodevelopmental service operating at Barking and Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge community paediatrics and CAMHS teams. An integrated, multi-disciplinary team support young people and their families where there are suspected autistic traits to ensure timely, effective, and efficient diagnostic assessment, pre and post diagnostic support, necessary interventions and needs led offers. Effective partnerships with the local authorities and education are crucial to early intervention and needs based support. The multidisciplinary team that may be involved in the child’s care include Paediatricians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, and Nursery Nurses supported by Autism Coordinators.

The service aims to deliver a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) complaint integrated multidisciplinary Autism pathway from presentation of child through to stages of early help intervention, pre-diagnostic support, diagnostic assessment and investigation and post diagnostic support. With a focus on providing high quality care underpinned by robust clinical governance processes. In 2024 the service established formal partnerships with the University of Cambridge Autism Research centre to further drive development of evidence-based clinical strategies, innovative therapies, improved diagnostic tools, advancing medical knowledge ultimately to support improved outcomes for children and their families. We aim to equip children, young people, and their families with strategies to support them to live fulfilled lives.

What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how people communicate and relate to others and how they process information.

An autistic child or young person may see and understand the world differently to their peers and they may have difficulties with friendships or relationships. They may also have specific and passionate interests, can have unusual reactions to sensory input like smells, sensations, or sounds, and they may find change or unfamiliar situations difficult.

Referral criteria

A single point of access, standardised referral, and screening process.  Patients come to BHR Children’s Autism service from their local GPs, Health Visitor, Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Care, Nursery, Universal services, tertiary provider. The service is available to children and young person who are registered with a GP in Barking and Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge. All referrals will be triaged by an experienced NHS practitioner, as part of this referrers may be contacted to gather more information at part of understanding the needs of the child or young person. The triaging practitioner may also sign post young people/families to services that are better suited to meeting their needs if an assessment for Autism is deemed not appropriate.

Useful links and resources

There are many local and national services that can support children/young people and their families while they are waiting for an Autism assessment and after a diagnosis

National Autistic Society

Is the leading UK charity for people with autism and their families. They provide information, support, and services to help increase opportunities and reduce social isolation. The website is extensive and informative. They offer a helpline (0808 800 4104); advice and guidance; local volunteer branches; educational services; training for parents/carers and professionals; parent to parent emotional support helpline; resources to purchase.

Tel: Call 0207 833 2299 (Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 1-3pm)



Child Autism UK

A UK charity providing advice, support, and Applied Behaviour Analysis services for children with autism and the families of autistic children: Helpline 01344882248


National charity supporting families of children with disabilities. They offer advice and information, family workshops and events, a not-for-profit shop for toys, clothing, and sensory resources. They also provide a helpline and a free one to one listening ear service to talk to a family support advisor.

Parent helpline 0800 808 3555

General enquiries 0207 608 8700


The Autism Show annual event The Autism Show - The National Event for Autism

National Autist Urgent Help Urgent help (

Video explaining autism

Challenging behaviours toolkit Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit | Autism Speaks

NELFT Senior Clinical Psychologist YouTube talks Dr Rachel Hussey on various subjects e.g. anxiety, sleep, emotional regulation.

Autism Education Trust For Parents | Autism Education Trust

The Sycamore Trust Sycamore Trust - Rooted in the community - Homepage

Free wellbeing activities (

RAGS – Romford Autistic Group Support (

Redbridge FiND | STAAR (Supporting Together Autism with Activities in Redbridge) & GameStaars

Redbridge FiND | Jump Evolution Trampoline Park - Support Sessions