NELFT has been awarded the Veteran Aware Accreditation for our continuously dedicated work as an employer and as healthcare provider to the members of the Armed forces and their families.
Read Veteran Aware accredited healthcare provider…NELFT Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) Kent and Medway received a Recognition Award for “Acting on recommendations made by Healthwatch”.
Read NELFT Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) Kent and Medway receive Healthwatch Recognition Award…North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) has received a Gold Award for its commitment to inclusion of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer people in the workplace.
The award is the highest possible accolade given and sees NELFT listed in the Top 100 Employers List, which ranks the best organisations for LGBTQ+ employees.
Read Gold Award for commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion at work…Basildon Council officially bestowed the Freedom of Entry to the Borough to NELFT at an awards ceremony celebrating extraordinary services to residents during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read NELFT receives highest honour award for extraordinary services to residents of Basildon…On Tuesday 16 November, our Director of Corporate Affairs Lauren MacIntyre won the Company Secretary Of The Year Award at the Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland awards.
Read NELFT's Director of Corporate Affairs wins Company Secretary of the Year Award at the Chartered Governance Institute UK and Ireland Awards…