Francis Fernando, NELFT Associate Director of Nursing and Quality in Waltham Forest, has been named as one of the 50 most influential Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority leaders in Health in the UK for 2022.
Read NELFT Nursing Director named on 50 most Influential Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People in Health list…Congratulations to our partners and colleagues at KeepingWellNEL who have been shortlisted for the ‘Best Wellbeing in the Workplace Strategy: Public Sector’ at the Great British Workplace Wellbeing Awards.
Read KeepingWellNEL shortlisted for Great British Workplace Wellbeing award…The NELFT (London) Eating Disorder Service has joined two other Eating Disorder Services in the country in achieving full Quality Network for Community CAMHS accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Read London Eating Disorder Service receives full QNCC Accreditation for Best Practice…NELFT’s Havering Community Learning Disabilities Team (CLDT) have been shortlisted for a Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) award under the category Psychiatric Team of the Year: Intellectual Disability.
Read NELFT’s Havering Community Learning Disabilities Team finalists for Royal College of Psychiatrists Awards 2022…The national charity for working parents and carers has announced that NELFT has been awarded a place on its prestigious and competitive list of the top family-friendly employers in the UK.
Read NELFT named as a Working Families Top Ten Employer 2022…